Piql Slovakia has archived important umbilical cord blood data on piqlFilm
The Slovak Register of Placental Hematopoietic Cells (SRPKB) helps children and adults waiting for a hematopoietic stem cell transplant from a donor. So far, SRPKB has helped dozens of patients in this way. SRPKB stores and provides donated umbilical cord blood to patients from all over the world within an international database. Transplants from the registry have repeatedly achieved world leadership in the number of nuclear cells, which is one of the decisive factors in their use. The registry processes in its laboratory not only umbilical cord blood, but also umbilical cord tissue and, as the only one in Europe, also placental tissue. In this article you can find out about the mutual cooperation of Piql Slovakia and SRPKB within the project piqlFilm — GO, co-funded by the European Commission from the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 funds.
Since 1997, SRPKB has been a member of the international database of bone marrow and umbilical cord blood donors called The World Marrow Donor Association. Processed umbilical cord blood is accepted for the treatment of transplant center patients. So far, it has helped dozens of patients not only in Slovakia, but all over the world. SRPKB also implements several public benefit activities — including the operation of the Program of Free Indicated Blood Collection, within which it stores umbilical cord blood for sick siblings free of charge — patients with diseases that can be treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. SRPKB also participates in research projects aimed at further use of umbilical cord blood.
Piql has received great support from the European Commission for the project piqlFilm — GO. This project is initiated through the EU Framework programme Horizon 2020 — Fast Track to Innovation. The main goal of the piqlFilm — GO project is to expand and commercialize the system of ultra-secure and extremely long-term storage of digital and visual data, which is used at Piql. The data will not be deleted or altered, meaning there is no risk of confusion or any disruption of the data stored on piqlFilm.
What type of SRKPB content was stored on piqlFILM and how did the mutual cooperation take place?
As part of the piqlFilm-GO project, data related to the non-profit activities of the registry were stored — selected data include mainly an anonymized database of donated umbilical cord blood units and data related to research into further use of umbilical cord blood.
According to Natália Račková, the cooperation with PIQL Slovakia was very pleasant, time-efficient and all services were provided at a high and professional level:
We are talking about satisfaction from the first contact to the delivery of the finished piqlFilm. Mr. Hodinka, the CEO of PiqlSK, patiently explained to us all the details regarding all the steps, from data selection, data processing to archiving. Overall, we are very satisfied with the output and look forward to further cooperation in future.
According to SRKPB, scientific and historical records, research results, but also technological and ecological solutions could be preserved for future generations. The Slovak Register of Placental Hematopoietic Cells believes that piglFilm is a sophisticated assurance that protects important and rare data responsibly.
For more information on data archiving, visit www.piql.sk. If you are interested in archiving or long term preservation of your data, you can also contact us at +421 903 700 954 or ladislav.hodinka@piql.sk
Team Piql Slovakia